Thursday, January 22, 2009

Attachment Reminder 0.4

Hi Guys,

I am about to finish my feature, the Attachment Reminder.  In this patch, I have moved the keyword chooser box to the 'advanced' button. Also, a checkbox is added if the user wants to turn-off/turn-on the feature.

The major problem I encountered during this patch is to add new files to the build. Here, I have created 3 new files attachmentoptions.xul, attachmentoptions.js and attachmentoptions.dtd. For adding these files in the build, I had to edit the files.

Now, I am going explain the feature in detail with screen shots.

1. How to use ??

--->>> Inside your email body, include one of the attachment keywords. (as an example 'attach'). Once you are done, click on the 'send' button. If everything works fine, a messege window pops up. It will ask you to continue or go back to the message and attach the attachments.

2. How to handle this feature?

--->>> You can uncheck the checkbox and turn off the feature. Hence, if the feature is annoying for the user, the user can trun it off. And if he founds it useful, he can add it anytime. 

3. Keyword Chooser

--->>> To open the keyword chooser, click on the 'advanced' button. In this keyword chooser, a user can insert new keywords, edit exising keywords and delete unnecesary keywords.

To download the patch go the bug .

If you have any problems, comments or suggestions, feel free to email me on

Thank you very much ...

1 comment:

Tony Lai said...

Love your labels :p
"Oh I did" =)

Come to think of it I still need to write a blog on better labels I can use for my infobars...

I'll get on that this weekend.

Your projects looking good!
